“The assistance the June Jessee Memorial Foundation (JJMF) provided our family felt as if someone had lifted a thousand pound gorilla off our shoulders. Having a child with chronic, neurological conditions, with no specific diagnosis, can be very scary. But the community and support our family has found through the JJMF has been a real turning point for us.”

Jade Venditte-Page

The brave girl behind everything we do, June Jessee

June Jessee fearlessly faced multiple, life-limiting neurological conditions, inspiring her parents to create the June Jessee Memorial Foundation (JJMF) in her honor. Today, the JJMF parlays June’s bravery to aid other courageous children with undiagnosed, neurological conditions and their families, helping to make their paths and lives a little easier.

June Jessee smiling in pink

Making an impact in the St. Louis region and beyond

Raising over $1,000,000 for financial assistance, mental health care and supportive programs for families

Becoming the #1 online resource for information to help guide area families

Supporting over 1,500 families through programs, events and more