Celebrate the JJMF’s commitment to serve our courageous community, inspired by the special moments of joy families experience in caring for children with medically complex neurological conditions. Enjoy a vast array of hors d’oeuvres and open bar, browse the expansive silent auction and high-end raffles, and hear about families supported by the work of our foundation.
An Evening of Joy tickets are now on sale!
The deadline to purchase your tickets is November 1, 2024.
Sponsorship Opportunities
An Evening of Joy sponsorships are available. With several giving opportunities, there are many ways to support the JJMF by sponsoring this important event. All sponsorship levels include event tickets, if you would like to utilize them.
Auction Opportunities
Would you like to donate a silent auction item? Fill out the auction donation form.
Questions? Email info@junejessee.org

View photos from JJMF’s 2023 Evening of JOY event here.