Abba Woolson quote It Is June

It’s All June!

June was a fun month for us at JJMF! The idea to celebrate came from a tongue-in-cheek statement I started saying the first June after our June died. I would say, “I am so grateful there is a month named after my sweet angel.” So, in the spirit of our June, we decided to spread love to families needing a pick-me-up during “her” month.  Below is a summary of the “June Goodie Bag” day and some of the other happenings in June!

On June 18, we delivered “June Goodie Bags” and Lunch for the parents and caregivers on the neurology floor at St. Louis Children’s Hospital.  When we stayed at the hospital with June there were always items we needed but often forgot. While there are many awesome services and surprises for the children at the hospital, the parents can often get overlooked. Additionally, many of the children on the neurology floor cannot fully appreciate all of the wonderful treats and surprises the hospital provides to the children. Therefore, we wanted to make sure our goodies included something for the parents and something every child could enjoy. In the bag we included a notebook and pen, tumbler, eye mask (to sleep during the day), hand relief, generously donated by Ginger Bay Salon, and lip balm for the parents. For the kids, we sent Tiny Superhero Capes since all the children on the neuro floor are brave superheroes and every one of them can rock a cape.  One mom sent us a message the day after our bag drop off saying:

“I just wanted to reach out and say, ‘Thank you!’” My daughter was recently hospitalized for three nights at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, in need of an emergency shunt revision. This was probably our 15th or so hospitalization between her and her brother since being born, not including the 19 weeks they spent in the NICU. We are no strangers to the hospital, but [we] still manage to forget things in our panicked exits towards emergency rooms. During our second day, a volunteer dropped off a care package for our family. Everyone was immediately excited about something in the care package! Addy loved the superhero cape, my husband who was trying to nap in the middle of the day put on the eye mask, and I was happy to have some lotion and lip balm to use. We are home now, and I am drinking water from the lovely tumbler and using the notepad to make some daily lists.  Your generosity brightened our stay at the hospital and made being away from a home a little easier. Take care, and I will do my part to keep the memory of June alive.”

We had so much fun with the “June Goodie Bags” and lunch delivery that we have decided to continue it throughout the year.  If you would like to donate something for our next goodie bag drop off please contact us. We would love to have your support!

There was a Kendra Gives Back Party on the evening of June 7 at the store in Plaza Frontenac. Twenty percent of all of their sales went to JJMF, and we raised nearly $500.  We are so grateful to Kendra Scott and look forward to more partnership opportunities in the futur

Also, in June, Needlepoint Clubhouse announced its “Canvas For A Cause” program with JJMF as its first recipient. For every canvas sold it will make a donation to our organization.  It is also working with us to provide kits (canvas, thread, needle, scissors, and instructions) to interested parents while staying in the hospital. Needlepoint helped keep my hands busy during many anxious hospitals stays, and we’d like to help find ways to calm parents’ nerves.

As I reflect on where we’ve come as an organization in two years, I can’t help but think how June has played a hand in all of it. Our organization is growing and evolving faster than I could have imagined, and we have exciting updates to report for 2019.  I like to imagine her in heaven sort of nudging us towards certain people and opportunities and guiding it all.  We started JJMF as a way to help us heal. We spent so much time advocating for June, and when she died, the emptiness was suffocating. We had to do something. I learned that by finding ways to help other families that we could help ourselves grieve. I feel so grateful we have this outlet to show our love for June because it is a gift that keeps on giving. Thank you to all who support us. You are not only helping people in devastating circumstances, but you continually help us celebrate our sweet June.






