Parkway ECC Playground Dedication to June Jessee
Date: September 9, 2017
Location: Parkway Early Childhood Center
Description: June attended Parkway Early Childhood Center for seven months before she died in February of 2016. It is an experience that we treasure, and we are grateful that she experienced school. Parkway ECC has developed an all-inclusive playground in the year and a half since June passed away, and it is dedicating the playground to June!
Parkway ECC wants to encourage all children with physical limitations to enjoy the playground after school hours. Following the dedication, there will be a family event in celebration of the school mascot’s, Parker Panda, birthday. All are welcome to attend. Below are details about the dedication.
Playground Handicapped Accessible Features: Rubber tile surface, ADA ramp, swing, slide, pirate ship, activity panels, musical instruments and an all-inclusive spinner. There is also a communication board for our students who are non-verbal to tell us where they would like to play. Additionally, June Jessee Memorial Foundation donated a handicap accessible pink swing for the playground because June loved to swing.