Support Resources

JJMF resource and blog
JJMF Mom Connections

The emotional roller coaster you’re on can take an enormous toll, and we’ve found moms supporting other moms can have a positive impact in their journeys. To connect moms and their shared experiences, JJMF’s Mom Connections, designed for mothers of children with medically complex, neurological conditions to find relief with a night out.

The National Family Association for Deaf-Blind

The National Family Association for Deaf-Blind (NFADB) is the largest national nonprofit organization serving families of individuals who are deaf-blind and providing support on how family members can become advocates for their loved ones.


Easterseals is working to create a world where each child born with a disability is given the support necessary to participate fully in life, and to have dreams and hopes, successes and achievements. Child Development Centers Early Intervention Resources for Parents and Guardians.

Team Activities for Special Kids (TASK)

Team Activities for Special Kids (TASK) is a  year-round instructional sports program that provides athletic and social opportunities to kids with special needs. The program is designed to help build self-esteem and  develop skills among children with special needs through sports, recreation, and social activities.

Courageous Parents Network

An online community for parents of children with life-limiting illnesses to find support, guidance, and strength as they care for a seriously ill child. Here you will find many virtual resources  from parents, pediatric care providers, and more.

St. Louis Arc

Individualized services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families, including: respite hours (hours must be approved by DMH), lending library of toys and equipment for children with developmental disabilities (has waiting list), family play dates, music classes, and more.

Delta Gamma Center for Children with Visual Impairments

Delta Gamma Center for Children with Visual Impairments is focused on helping children who are blind or visually impaired reach their full potential through family-centered, specialized services and community support. From their Parent University, Buddy Builders Playgroup to family activities, there are several services available to support both children and their families.

Central Institute for the Deaf: Hearing from the Heart

Hearing from the Heart is a free family connection group offered through the Central Institute for the Deaf. Families come  together to discuss various topics relevant to parenting a child with hearing loss.

Recreation Council of Greater St. Louis

Recreation Council of Greater St. Louis is a non-profit organization focused on being advocates for recreation, leisure, and socialization opportunities for individuals living with developmental disabilities within the Greater St. Louis area. They work to ensure that those with disabilities have access to activities and programs that fit their lifestyle.

Family Advocacy and Community Training

F.A.C.T is a non-profit organization that provides a wide range of services and support to those caring for someone living with a mental, physical, or developmental disability. They offer programs that have been developed to support you, empower you, and provide you with the information and expert guidance you and your child need to thrive.

Productive Living Board of St. Louis County

Productive Living Board connects St. Louis County residents living with a developmental disability to services to help them thrive at home and in their community, and find employment opportunities for their choice. They support young children through adulthood and families.